Payment and delivery
Delivery method: DPD courier, Inpost parcel locker (choose the one closest to the address or please enter the parcel locker code) or personal collection Showroom Sosnowa 36, 05-080 Hornówek
DHL Express for international delivery
Shipping costs: Currently, shipping in Poland is free, EUR 20 in the EU
Payment methods: bank transfer, Przelewy24, Paypal or cash on delivery
Bank transfer details: Małgorzata Wojciechowska Fashion Faktory, BANK ACCOUNT: PL 95 1140 2004 0000 3102 7533 0485
Order processing time: The waiting time for the shipment is 1-3 business days, we usually ship the next day, in the event of unavailability of the product, we will contact you to determine a possible delivery date.